4月7日下午,法国巴黎萨克雷大学Chu Feng(储凤)教授为我院师生作了主题为“高水平科研论文的写作规范与技巧”的学术讲座。此次讲座由学院党委书记孙启鹏主持,学院部分师生参加了讲座。
Chu Feng(储凤)教授以近期发表于Omega期刊的文章《Robust actions for improving supply chain resilience and viability》为例,从研究思路提出、研究内容确定、研究贡献挖掘等方面系统性介绍研究工作的设计过程。针对科研论文中各章节的写作规范及要点,详细探讨如何在论文写作中设计与梳理逻辑,以提升论文质量。最后Chu Feng(储凤)就高水平科研论文写作、投稿技巧等问题与我院师生进行了热烈讨论。
Chu Feng教授为我院师生作学术讲座
专家介绍:Dr. Chu Feng is a Distinguished Professor at the University of Paris-Saclay, France. She leads the AROBAS (Algorithmics, Operations Research, Bioinformatics, and Machine Learning) research team at the IBISC Laboratory (Computer Science, Bioinformatics, Complex Systems), and serving as the chair of the Department of Quality, Industrial Logistics, and Organization (QLIO). Her research focuses on operations research, multi-objective optimization, stochastic optimization, as well intelligent transportation systems, logistics, and Supply chain risk management.