


主题一:Emergency supplies distribution for early response operations under demand information asymmetry


摘要:Quick distribution of emergency supplies to satisfy the urgent demands in the affected areas after a disaster is of crucial importance in mitigating its impact. Because the response actions must be carried out before the demand information is fully realized upon a disaster attack, in this paper, we investigate the inbound emergency supplies distribution for early disaster response operations under demand information asymmetry. The problem naturally falls into a two-stage modelling framework, in which the first stage focuses on the early response operations of emergency supplies distribution before the actual demand information is realized in the second stage. We cast the problem as a two-stage robust model, for which we derive two deterministic equivalents, i.e., a linear programming (LP) equivalence and a mixed-integer programming (MIP) equivalence (with a polynomial size). We illustrate the advantage of the two-stage robust model in comparison with the corresponding non-early response model and two-stage stochastic model by a case study concerning the 2010 Yushu earthquake in PR China. Computational results also demonstrate that the MIP equivalence of the robust model can solve random instances with larger scales very efficiently.


主题二:Research progress in transportation operations.


摘要:The investment in transportation infrastructure may cause changes of urban form and urban economic development. Conversely, the urban economic development can cause a change in the travel demand. The interaction between them will create a new urban system equilibrium. This talk will present the recent research progress in the fields of Transportation Economics. Advanced research methods and some new insightful findings are reported.

个人简介:李志纯,华中科技大学教授、博士生导师。2006年北京航空航天大学经济管理学院博士毕业,2006-2008年在复旦大学管理学院从事博士后研究,2004-2011年间在香港理工大学访问、工作5年。主要研究领域包括交通基础设施投资决策、交通经济学、区域科学等。迄今发表SCI/SSCI论文80余篇。目前担任 SCI/SSCI 刊物 Transport Policy, Transportmetrica B, Journal of Advanced Transportation 副主编,以及 Transportation Research Part E, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 编委。2020年获得教育部自然科学奖二等奖(排名第一)。入选爱思唯尔(Elsevier)2020、2021、2022中国高被引学者。